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Spiced Christmas Almonds Difficulty: Easy Ingredients View the Method
500g of almonds (3 and 1/2 cups)
2 tablespoons of maple syrup
2 tablespoons of coconut sugar
1 tablespoon of honey
3 teaspoons of cinnamon
2 teaspoons of nutmeg
1/2 a teaspoon of ginger
Preheat the oven to 180C, fan setting.
Place the honey, maple, nutmeg, ginger and cinnamon in a pan and gently warm through until mixed together and runny
Take off the heat and stir in the almonds until its really sticky. Place on a baking tray so they’re evenly spread out and not overlapping. Lightly sprinkle the coconut sugar on top. Then place the tray in the oven and let it cook for thirty minutes. Make sure you stir the nuts once or twice in this time so that they cook evenly.
Once the nuts are crunchy take them out the oven and transfer them to another greased baking tray. Allow them to cool before storing them in something air tight!
These roasted almonds with cinnamon, nutmeg and ginger are the best Christmas snack! The spices make them taste really festive, while the mix of honey, coconut sugar and maple syrup make them extra sweet and indulgent, which is great, as you don’t want to spend Christmas feeling too healthy and a bit deprived! The fantastic thing about these is that they’re so easy to make, so you can throw them together in no time if you realise you need a sweet snack to stop any food envy from people eating food that you may not be able to enjoy!
- Maja Hribar
This looks amazing, I’ll definitely have to give a try!
- Lincoln Betteridge
Nice recipe, I will have to give it a try. If you want a typical Spanish almond recipe please try this one:
- http://whatskatieupto.com Katie
Oh these look yummy – we always buy them at our christmas fair but I never though about doing them myself! Thanks for the idea & recipe! http://whatskatieupto.com
- http://www.thegreendietitian.com/ Louisa
Wow, these look incredible! I have only tried roasting almonds with salty flavours (like tamari), so I really need to try this sweet version
- http://honeydee.com.au/ Honey Dee
It is a great recipe! can’t wait..
- ellawoodward
I’ve not tried this myself before but I’m sure that would taste delicious, although probably less sweet x
- Samantha Stoner
Hi, I would love to make these but just wondering where the ginger is added to this recipe? And is it fresh grated ginger or a spice mix?
- ellawoodward
The recipe has now been amended, you add it with the rest of the spices. It’s best to use ground ginger, hope you enjoy this recipe! X
- ellawoodward
- Laurie
Do you use the ginger? It’s listed in the ingredients but not mentioned in the directions? Just wondering-Thanks!
- ellawoodward
So sorry, you add it in with the other spices, the recipes have been amended. Hope you enjoy it x
- ellawoodward
- ellawoodward
That’s such a lovely idea! I would keep these in an airtight container or jar for about two weeks, hope everyone loves them x
- ellawoodward
Sadly there isn’t a good enough replacement for granulated natural sugar. You can always omit the coconut sugar as they’re super sweet with just the maple and honey! Hope you love them x
- http://www.claudiamenger.com Claudia Menger
These look so good! Sounds like a delish snack:)
- ellawoodward
So sorry but I never use palm sugar in my recipes so I wouldn’t know. The spices add such an amazing flavour so I wouldn’t too much about the added sugar on top x
- ellawoodward
So sorry to hear that these burnt, that’s such a shame and so surprising as I’ve never experienced this with this recipe before. As ovens can vary slightly I would try baking them on a lower heat for slightly less time. Hope the pecans turned out delicious! X
- Tracy Harvey
I found this recipe on your app so I hadn’t seen these comments before having a go. Wish I had as mine came out burnt and ruined as well. Shame cos they tasted really nice before they went in the oven! How thoroughly are your recipes tested by others Ella? I’m a pretty good cook on the whole but I haven’t yet managed to make one of your recipes that came out ‘delicious’
- ellawoodward
I’m so sorry they didn’t come out perfect. The recipes are always tested multiple times by multiple people but there are variants like people’s ovens which can affect the end result. Feel free to change the recipe or cooking method according to your oven and knowledge. Hope they turn out better next time! Have a great day x
- ellawoodward
- Tracy Harvey
- http://healthlogus.com/ Abhinav rajput
I take this with me in box and I use them with tea and liking it
- https://1stphorm.com/ Kayla Webster
Great healthy snack for a time where it seems I can’t find anything health to eat!
- Alexandra Beamish
I made these over the holidays and both my family and I couldn’t get enough! I love guilt-free treats! Thank you for this!!!
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