
DIY Your Way To An Upgraded Home


Home Upgrades

I’m so excited to feature this roundup from Buzzfeed here today. It’s all about about something each and everyone of us can use. Home upgrades. There are 40 easy DIYs that will instantly take your home to the next level. #realestatewin

Are you looking to sell your home? Or maybe just hide some eyesores and fix up the one you have? Then this is the post for you! You don’t have to be Bob Vila or Martha Stewart to add some pizzazz to your place of residence. Hide an ugly ceiling fixture with a lampshade. Add crown molding to your windows to fancy the place up a bit or press on tiles to your bathtub or backsplash for a more modern look look.

Learn how to frost glass, frame your TV, and so much more. I’ve done number 23. My vents looked so much better after! These ideas are so fun and easy! Perfect for the novice DIYer. Curb appeal is so important. For when keeping up with the Jones’ and the HOA and when trying to sell your home. Here are some more tips.

Find all 40 ideas here…

Buzzfeed: 40 Easy DIYs That Will Instantly Upgrade Your Home

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