
{Office/Craft Closet} Elfa Installed!


Today's post isn't exactly Pinterest-worthy, but if your heart races at the mere mention of The Container Store, then you'll find these pics pretty darn exciting! Last week I shared the Before shots, and different plan designs of our Office/Craft Closet, and most of you chimed in that Option #2 was the better choice.
And we agreed! We decided if we were going to install the Elfa system, we might as well maximize the space to it's fullest, and utilize the entire closet. I was giddy with excitement when we scheduled the installer, but when they finished, I almost hyperventilated!
Hi Sugarplum | Elfa Office/Craft Closet
The cool thing about The Container Store's (free) design services, is you can tweak the plans until you get it just right. And with every change, it keeps a running total of your project's cost, both with and without installation, so you can decide if the extra shelf or drawer, or the fancy countertop, is worth it to you.
The day before the scheduled installation, they delivered all the materials to the house, and I cleared out the closet completely.
Hi Sugarplum | Elfa Office/Craft Closet
Hi Sugarplum | Elfa Office/Craft Closet
Hi Sugarplum | Elfa Office/Craft Closet
I decided to keep the components simple, and add extra gadgets to help organize all the little things that accompany a craft and office space. And even though the design plans come with customized installation instructions, having one of their professionals install it was the best decision I made! Dude was in-and-out in under three hours! It would take me that long just to carry it upstairs!
First he demoed the existing closet parts...
Hi Sugarplum | Elfa Office/Craft Closet
Filled and spackled the wall...
Hi Sugarplum | Elfa Office/Craft Closet
And painted the whole thing for a fresh, clean canvas. They'll use your paint (any color), or their own bright white. I bounced around the idea of patterned papers, or a bright color as a base, but in the end, decided white would be the cleanest. Especially since I still have no idea what direction I'm going with the design of the actual room. I can, however, guarantee you it won't include that wallpaper border!
Sidenote: Can you believe Mr. SP actually said, 'The wallpaper really isn't that bad. You could work with it.' #whoareyou #havewemet Rest assured, the wallpaper is coming down. Someday.
Hi Sugarplum | Elfa Office/Craft Closet
And as if having Troy (the master installer!) make the wall all clean and pretty wasn't enough, I literally turned my head, and the base of the Elfa system was in place! Like, in 10 minutes!
Hi Sugarplum | Elfa Office/Craft Closet
Once I calmed down, and stopped talking in an octave only dolphins could hear, Troy walked me through how everything operated, and how to move things around if I wanted. And then #deepbreaths he cleaned up all the mess!!! Ya'll know that's huge!
Hi Sugarplum | Elfa Office/Craft Closet
Math is not my strong suit, but I'd say we doubled our storage tenfold! ;) Either way, I'm going to be able to store a lot of crap supplies in that single closet!
Hi Sugarplum | Elfa Office/Craft Closet
Hi Sugarplum | Elfa Office/Craft Closet
Hi Sugarplum | Elfa Office/Craft Closet
I can't get over how sturdy the drawers are, and how easily they slide.
Hi Sugarplum | Elfa Office/Craft Closet
And I think I'm most excited about this utility board!
Hi Sugarplum | Elfa Office/Craft Closet
I don't have a complete Before & After for you yet, but I'd say we're progressing in the right direction!
Hi Sugarplum | Craft Closet Makeover
Hi Sugarplum | Elfa Office/Craft Closet
Next comes the fun part....finding a place for everything on all the drawers and shelves! And who am I kidding, making it look pretty! I've been scoping out efficient, yet stylish, storage and found some great options.
Sidenote: The Container Store Rugby Stripe Bin is one of my all-time favorite bins...I use them all over the house for throw blankets, toys, stuffed animals, board games, etc. Word is they are phasing them out...sooooo, you might want to take stock if you love them, too!
Stylish Storage
one | two | three | four | five | six | seven | eight | nine | ten
And as if creating this closet with The Container Store weren't dream enough, my darling friend, the Master Shifu herself, is coming to visit next week! I think you can guess what we'll be doing!! Stay tuned, lovebugs!
Are you taking advantage of the big Elfa sale? Have you used their installers before (also included in the sale!), or done it yourself?

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