
How To Make A Giant Homemade Ice Cream Sandwich



Vanilla. That is my favorite flavor of ice cream. What is yours? Baskin Robins is the most confusing place in the world for me. I love vanilla but there are so many other ones to choose from. Ice cream and ice cream sandwiches are one of my favorite desserts. Love. This giant ice cream sandwich from popsugar food is the best.

This video takes those little sandwiches from childhood and makes them fit for adults. Giant and amazingly delicious. Take a cake mix, cut it into a rectangle, and three cartons or your favorite flavor of ice cream. This is going to be epic. I wish I had known about this giant cake this summer. There was a bbq where this would have been perfect.

Here are 18 other ice cream cake recipes that will change your life. Change your life. Find them all here. Thanks Martha Stewart. You are amazing. Love love love ‘em.

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