
How To Make Delicious Blueberry Donuts In The Oven



I think I just ate my willpower! Donuts are one of my favorite sugary treats. Who isn’t a fan of a breakfast donuts and coffee? Happiness is anything deep fried or baked and this recipe from the One Pot Chef is no exception. Pure happiness. Let’s learn how to make delicious blueberry donuts in the oven in just minutes. Yes please!

I love the idea of baking donuts. Using the oven instead of the fryer is so much healthier. Grease and oil be gone! These tasty treats are sure to impress, homemade and healthy. I’m going to have to invest in a donut pan straight away.

My life is better off because of this tasty video but my waistline probably isn’t. (They aren’t unhealthy but they aren’t healthy healthy.) Looking for a slightly healthier donut? These 29 healthier alternatives from Greatist might be just the thing for you.

Here’s the video… Enjoy!

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