
Nutty Pea & Quinoa Bowl


← Previous Article Next Article → Deliciously Ella / Recipes / Mains / Nutty Pea & Quinoa Bowl Nutty Pea & Quinoa Bowl Nutty Pea & Quinoa Bowl Serves 4 Prep: 15m Total: 15m Difficulty: Easy Ingredients View the Method

  • 240 grams of quinoa

  • 500 grams of frozen peas

  • 150 grams of almonds

  • 8 tablespoons of olive oil or sesame oil if you have it

  • 4 cloves of garlic

  • a large pinch of chilli flakes to taste

  • 200 grams of kale

  • 2 courgettes

  • 2 tablespoons of tamari

  • juice of 1 lime

  • salt and pepper

Start by cooking the quinoa – you want about double the amount of boiling water to quinoa and let it boil for about 12-15 minutes.

While that cooks, toast the almonds in a large frying pan with 1 tablespoon of tamari. Let the heat until they start to brown and slightly catch. Put to one side

In the same pan (but without the almonds) add 4 tablespoons of olive oil, crushed garlic and chilli flakes. Start to heat this, once it’s bubbling add the chopped kale and courgette. Sauté everything until cooked, which should take about 5-10 minutes, then take off the heat

Place the peas in a pan with cold water, bring them to the boil and then drain them. Add half the peas to a food processor with 4 tablespoons of olive oil, juice of 1 lime, some salt and pepper to taste and blend to a puree

Add the other half of the peas, the courgette, kale, 1 tablespoon of tamari and a little olive oil into the quinoa and stir, season to taste

Serve the quinoa with the pea puree on the side or mix it in to make it extra creamy! Then finally sprinkle the almond over the top of your bowl!

Note: If you want to save a pan, do the pea puree first and use this same pan for the quinoa

This is my favourite simple dinner bowl at the moment, it’s so quick and easy to throw together and it’s making me feel so good! The whole thing takes 15 minutes from start to finish, which means it’s a great post work dinner option during the week, or a lovely simple supper on a Sunday. I love the mix of the crunchy tamari toasted almonds with the creamy lime infused pea puree and the gently sautéed kale and courgette, when it’s all tossed into the quinoa it’s just heaven! Plus you get three portions of green veggies so you can feel very virtuous and you gobble up every bite.

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  • Ariesna

    Hi Ella! Could I change the kale for something else? In Spain it is not so available… :/ Maybe some chard, or spinach?

    • ellawoodward

      Chard or spinach would work really well! I imagine the spinach would wilt quite a lot though so you might need to add some more, hope you love it! X

  • ellawoodward

    So sorry, it’s just the juice of the lime x

    • bks4good

      No problem!

  • ellawoodward

    You could try using coconut aminos instead of tamari! You can find it on Amazon or in most health food stores! Really hope you love this recipe and keep up your health journey x

  • Maddy

    Hi Ella
    Is there anything I could use instead of courgettes? X

    • ellawoodward

      Broccoli would work well too but you might have to cook this for a little longer, hope it’s delicious x

  • Meerkat

    Cooking this tonight – very tasty indeed!

  • Ariesna

    Oh yeah! What a delicious way to finish a long cold day

  • ellawoodward

    I imagine that something like broccoli could work really well with this too! X

    • Mich

      Awesome, thanks! :) x

  • ellawoodward

    You could try using slightly less oil if you prefer, although it’s filled with lots of healthy fats! Hope you love it x

  • ellawoodward

    That’s awesome news, so happy you all enjoyed it! X

  • Nanu

    I made this last night and i loved it! So delicious and filling! My boyfriend was over the moon too :) I replaced the kale with spinach since I live in Argentina and we can’t get here very easily.

    I’m a long-time reader but this is the first recipe that I tried from your blog… Loving it!

    Lots of love and congrats on your new book lauch! :)

  • Katie

    I’m allergic to quinoa, can you suggest an alternative to use in your recipes?

    • ellawoodward

      Brown rice works really well too! X

  • Geraldine Lundy

    This recipe is fabulous. I made it for my carnivorous husband and daughter and they were squabbling over who got the leftovers. Recommended it to a friend at work and he’s emailed ne about how gorgeous it is – thanks Ella.

  • ellawoodward

    So sorry but the recipes aren’t printable. If you want a hard copy of my recipes you can always get the books! Hope you’re loving the recipes x

  • ellawoodward

    So happy you loved it! Keep up all the healthy cooking :) Have a beautiful day x

  • ellawoodward

    You need to click on the Method tab, right next to the Ingredients tab. You can find it here! Hope you love it x

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